Saturday, December 15, 2007


Not the loose stuff in your pocket.

Today we've been moving Robyn into her studio. This is a change. It's big. Not quite like Everest.

For the last six months or so we've both been working from home so her spending half her time at the studio will be an adjustment. She says leaving her home office is like breaking up with an old friend.

One might think that growing up a military brat I'd be pretty adept at change. However, this hasn't proven to be true. I seem to grasp a hold of things and change very reluctantly. Maybe it's never having the stability, predictability and control that nonmilitary families have that has caused me to latch on. I'm good at accepting new things into my life, it's the other direction that is hard.

This song choice might not seem obvious, but it is to me, not so much the words but my relationship to it. It's been listened to a lot.

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